Revalidation for Healthcare providers

EHR Revalidation Explained

Persona Trust™ a service division of AYIN International, Inc. provides revalidation for healthcare provider registrants enrolled with our EHR licensee’s in accordance with 75 Federal Registry (FR) 16247 Department of Justice (DOJ) Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Identity Proofing Revalidation interim final rule citing, “revalidation of identity proofing periods will be set by the Credential Service Provider (CSP) or Certificate Authority (CA).” 

Periodic revalidation supports risk management policies and monitoring:

  • Provider enrollment record accuracy and account management 
  • Protection against fraud and identity theft
  • Unauthorized EMR/EHR access
  • EPCS gross utilization 

For Healthcare Providers

Revalidation ensures protection for you, your identity access credentials (IAC), and most importantly your patients. Revalidation is your own personal risk management strategy against identity theft and fraud.